Sunday, September 27, 2009

fashion icon

every girl should have a fashion icon, right?

i'll tell you about m
i have 3; al
exa chung, agyness deyn, and daisy lowe.
and they're not just my fashion
icon, they're almoset everybody's fashion icon!
look : here's some clothes that im dying to have
they also have a perfect tall body! iWant that too!

tata, sasya

my fairy-god-fatherr

my cousins will never be right :@

today, i was supposed to go to kidzania with my cousins --____-- yawn boring.
but, thanks to my fairy-god-father, he wont give me some $money$ for the ticket which means, i wont be able to come inside kidz! yeaaaaay.
thankyouthankyouthankyou! cause of you now im freeee :)
you know why, i hate one of my cousin.

do'h cause she's a annoying! and devil-disguising-human (let say her name is snail).
supa dupa rrrgh, she doesnt likes my attitude,
and for me it feels like winning a game over a game master.

but one of my cousin (let say her name is tiger). tiger wants me to convinced me that
snail does hates me, in conclusion, tiger wants me&snail to be enemies.
RRRRRRGH, no one of my cousins is right! elder cousins is too underestimate me.
this is so what-the-fvck-hell-situation much!

but now that they're gone, im back in the mood of "just shut up and litsen".
but that doesnt cheers me. at all.
at this kind of situation, i need to call 911 and wait till the cops came.

**the cops: my friends**
>secretly secret


hawties ~~~~~
girls number
1 priority

and here some of my types :)


2. justin bieber

3.alex watson

4.zac efron

5.lucas till


>just telling


go blogger!

everybody is running to twitter. but they still uses facebook. but yes i do have twittter, but i quitted twitter because of......some reason. nah its not important but i dont wanna back to twitter again. hahaha i had a big bad accident that i dont wanna remember again. btw between my friends i was the one who found it first! and then i told to some people and now i hate twitter myself -_-

haha, whatever. anyway, i love blogger mooooore than any awesome websites! even facebook hihi tata :) its just so fun. you can wrote anything you want and post it! and you have your own URL link! isnt funnn? yeah it is. btw

im loving -> windi's> dhira's> ammar's epic story> my fav fashion blog> my second fav fashion blog :3

and thats it :p

>just telling
blog ya laterrrr

nobody is perfect

yes, i know. nobody is perfect, inside and out.

but i can wish f
or something right?
or at least dream about it.

well i wish for :

  • long wavy hair. like thalia's hair!
  • nice white not-stinky preppy teeth. like calistol's teeth!
  • sunset eyes. like irsyad's nose! HA HA -_-
  • white flawless skin. like korean's skin!
  • beautiful smile. like nabila's smile!
  • slim body. like windi's body!

thalia's hair

korean skin

tall&slim (Y)

OKAY thats it anyway
>just telling
blog ya later!


my cousins is still sleepovering at my house.

i dont have any free time. now, you can say im their baby sitter. well, only the dhania though, indah is a 5th grader,think she can take care of herself ;) as if :ssss , seriously! hahaha peace :D

today we were inside home theatre
all day long :D. everything is there, so why do we have to go out anyway? hihi maybe just for lunch. btw, today i ate pizza for lunch -__- UNIMPORTANT LALA. and then we went back to home theatre and we play there until NOW heeeheee. now indah&dhania is playing my psp and im playing this compppp.

blogging and chatting with alea/thalia gangerti gua . she is/they are weird. . . . . dont ask why. ANYWAY thats it what i did todaaay nothing much.

i'll tell if i have any upcoming news



Saturday, September 26, 2009


do you realized? starting before i put categories list on my blog and im gonna start using it.
it makes you know what's the type of my posts on my blog.
so example "just telling" -> its for announcement like this post and before (colorful)
hihi there's

  • >daily ----my daily stories
  • >dreams-----my dreams that i dreamt
  • >iWant----my hopes, and whatever i want i guess
  • >just telling----announcement about my blogs/anything about me
  • >latest-----latest gossip, news, or anything that just happened
  • >secretly secret----i'll share some secrets to this blog but i'll put nick names on them so you won't know who's the real identify he/she is hihi :) sowwyyy
and thats it
**oyeah every post i'll show ">(category)" at the end of the post that will shows what category it is**
>just telling

thats it, see you


starting from now on
im going to start my posts on my blog colorful-ly :) why?

  1. kebaikan&kesehatan mata
  2. biar kelihatannya bagus banget
  3. biar keliatan seru -_-
  4. iseng
  5. thats just how i want it to be :D

tp bener kan? ahahaha and maybe more pics so if its a long story it wont be bored cause usually long story is weirder than the usual ;)

>just telling
**tp gak selebay baris pertama juga ya**
enough the announcement, see ya in next post!

stuffs we did today

today my cousin dhania&indah sleepover here, at mine.
i was quite excited but not that muc
h because one of my fat cousin is a big fat liar and i hate her. i dont care if this is " too public" because i am planning to tell the public, so no comment!
okay she's ugly. fat. black. failed-chinese-face. and fat, totally fat. thats her "look" but her attitude? hm, hell. okay whatever lets change this topic.

last morning,indah slept here since yesterday. we watch .........BBF HAHAHA. whaat? the boys wears furrry stuff! thats a girl thing! bwahahaha. and stuffs. we watch untilll that devil came to my house.

-> bbf wkwk

after that we still watch it, until lunch. at lunch we ate a delicious-o-yummy-chicken, i have no idea what it is though. but still, loving it as the magazine says
, and voila! your hair is shiny & soft!

hihi after that we relax again. my fat cousin play indah's nds until 6 o'clok playing coockin mama but she cant even do it she needs my&indah's help all the time, i slept on the sofa, and indah play this comp hihihi and its 6:22 we pray maghrib, and then we ate nasgor! yeaaaaaaaaay i love this, this is my fave nasgoorrr~~whats nasgor? hoh its nasi goreng its delicious! ahahahha. after that we went upstair and indah play this comp for a while and dhania is litsening to my ipod. now im playing the comp and indah is playing her phone and dhania is still litsening to my ipod.

btw when indah checked dhania in my room, she was making a video and she's like talking to herself BUSTED! MWAHAHAHA i never know she likes to talk to her self, and then me and indah suddenly just 'laughin-exploded-ly' lMAO! it was totttalllly embarrassing wkwkwk, and then we stay for awhile here infront of the comp, for 15 minutes maybe and then we ran and opened my door suddenly and we saw that she was dancing crazily infront of the mirror and she lipsing too, but it was a terrible dance moves sorry :( she put her hand up and wave it upside down- right to left. but her leg stand still. and her face was chubby and she was doing ":0o0o0o0o0o0" WAHAHAHA and she said "what? i love to JOGET JOGET YOU KNOWWW HAAAAHHH! YOUR FACE, put it on your blog, whatev!"

her name is almira ramadhania, 3th grader from jogja.

thats it, blog ya later :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

sleepovering with my cousin

its 12:23 AM and im posting a blog. whatev, im bored anyway, but im chit-chat-ing with indah anggraini novel aka my cousin :D we had fun todaaaay! before we went to my auntie's for swimming & family gathering. and then we ate noodle and pizza, yummmyyy. me and her called my other cousin kambing meledak because of her laugh :0000 lmao. after that we went to my house and we took some pics and we made a music video of you belong with me by taylor swift but i wont post it here, but i will post some pics ;)

here it is

comic book effect :D and this is me

Fish eye :D and this is my cousin

and a few crazy pic

Thursday, September 24, 2009


this is my blog, susah juga nge edit nya and blablabla.
but so what? i like how it becomes now ;)

this is my fist post. i've no topic to be post now. maybe just some stories of what i did today. and later on some gossips.


zakari danubrata->zaki house owner

ravindra sjah-> ravin a weird fussy kid

dhira ragasanmata -> dhira a pwidi friend

areza pradityo->areza a freak friend

hari ini seru. why? gara2 yaa gua dhira areza kerumah zaki untuk ngerjain tugas. nah gua nyampenya jam 12 an. dirumah zaki juga ada ravin dia nginep gt gatau brp hari. nah dirumah zaki gua diboongin melulu.tiba2 gua dibilangin 'cepet ya lu areza kebelet kencing" sumpah ya ini random abis dan ini tiba2. weird. oke trus wkt gua nyampe rumah zaki, gua diteriakin dari jendela "eh eh eh salah rumah salah rumah tp boleh sih masuk aja kalo mau kan kita gakenal gini yaga?" even weirder. trus nyampe situ, gua diboongin lagi katanya mreka dhira udah nyampe dr kapan, ternyata tidak. jadi gua cewe sendiri. untung aja cowo2nya mreka masih bisa ya ngobrol main lah tp kalo......gamungkin deh gua juga udah ogah. trus ya ngobrol tralalla TRUS areza kebelet pup. penting? ngga sih, tp nih kata areza "ah gua mau boker nih" gua "yaudah lah sana toilet depan kamar zaki gitu" areza "oke (keluar kamar)----(masuk lagi) TAKUT WOI". kebodohan&keaiban sang areza. sumpah toiletnya tuh bener2 depan kamar zaki maigat, yaudah trus gara2 itu zaki blg "sini gua temenin" areza "....sangat gay....." HAHAHA trus kata zaki " ya belakang2an lah" areza "jadi poo fight gitu?" OKE STOP ini udah mulai gila jiji yaya.

trus ravin kan ngoceh melulu gitu apalah apalah apalah bnyk banget , OIYA trus si ravin minta diajarin guitar gitu kan trus si areza lagi busy bb. trus ravin manggil2 areza brp kali gitu, areza ga nengok padahal udah ketawa2 gara2 ravin gak ditengokin ama areza. trus si ravin udh mulai kesel kan trs akhirnya areza nengok, waktu nengok kata ravin "ajarin donggg" areza cuman "ha? salah" (padahal ravin gak ngapa2in tapi tiba2 disalahin) ravin "hah? apaan yang salah? HAHAHAHA blom juga ngapa2in" .........areza back to bb. ravin kesel "ah au ah" wakaka kasian sang ravin. dah abis itu gua ama ravin rebutan bb areza gt kan udah deh kocak pokokknya lupa ada apa aja.

trus akhirnya dhira dateng. sama kyk gue, dia disorakin "eh eh salah rumah salah rumah salah rumah! tp kalo mau masuk boleh ntar kenalan" HAHA abezih lupada wakakka yaudah oke? oke. abis itu kan ya kita ngakak2 lagi lupa gua ada apaan. trus kita pindah ke studio zaki untuk ngerjain tugas fisika "thermocouple or thermocouple thermometer (its what wikipedia says, no diffrence though) dah selese. abis itu dhiravin di cie2in gara2 cocok juga sih. duduk sebelahan. trus gua foto. oke done. trus si kan kita translate ke indonesia jadinya termokopel yaoloh jelek bangetttt namanya. udah ah fisika yaya trus kan selese, si areza gua namain "arezatira narendra wishnu putra" anjing ngakak gua ama zaki jelek banget. arezanya kentut2 lagi. au ah hahha trus kan gua ama dhira make bb gua bbm yudhis tp blgnya -areza gitu. jd udah kan ya yudhis nganggep itu areza. awalnya kt bilangnya "hai, apa kabar? mudiknya terbang ya?" kata yudhis "hehe" (which means its a yes) trus dia jwb "ya nggak lah" (-_- nggadeng haha) trus kt blg "oh berenang" trus dia bales lamaa banget trus dia blg "sorry baru bales, baru mandi" trus udah ya capek banyak banget hahahaha intinya kasian sang yudhistira narendra wishnuputra that bigfoot black high man.

trus dari situ kita rencana2 mau ke pejaten village.trus udah aja kita selese bikin tugas lalala trus kita ke kamar zaki kan. ngadem. trus kita main that cool RMP 12, and boys do gossips to so we gossiped, trus kita lari2 gitu naik turun tangga sliding up and down on zaki's stairs. its pretty fun, udah lama gak gila2 gitu. udah gitu gua jatoh dari sofa zaki ke lantai dasarnya, sakit loh -__- trus gara2 jatoh jd pd ke lantai dasarnya trus gossip&cerita2 lagi. nah disitu kita dengerin cerita ravin yang supa interesting ^^ wahahaha interesting in a bad way though~ lamaa bgt disitu ampe jam 4 baru kita ke penvile.

di penvile awalnya mau ngalay gitu tp kata zaki "ga ada bedanya, disana anaknya alay2 semua" yaudah, kita dateng kita belaga gitu wakakakka trus kita turun ke a&w tapi ngantri cuy males abis yaudah kita keatas lagi. oiya slash info fyi : penville looks alot like PIM 2. jadi ngerasa di pim deh. trus kita laper tp a&w penuh, trus zaki bawa uang pas2an oiya SORRY NYUSAHIN YA ZAAAAAAAK, oke? sip trus kita ke atas atas atas EH ada food village ada TEH POCI wah kangen alizhar nih gue ihihihi :) trus ya kita beli lah sekelilingnya gak ada yang gua ngerti, gua beli itu sama papa ron's pizza ama dhira. enak deh. oiya ada "pingkan manado" apaaaa gitu, trus napa? pingkan tuh nama temen gua yang baru cina gitu putih trus dia suka makan (?) yaa mungkin itu punya dia, rabu ntar gua tanyain deh. oke stop trus kita makan EITS sebelumnya nyari tempat duduk ya masya allah susah banget nyari doanggg kenapa akhirnya kita duduk di sebuah tempat barat daya kyknya hahaha. cowo2 gabeli apa2 areza tp kelaperan banget tp di kebelet boker, aneh, tp laper. yaudhalah dia akhirnya beli kripik ama zaki. *srup* bunyi teh poci. sedotan dhira boolong gt jadi dia minum "low tech" hahaha sedotan aja low tech gimana itu coba -_- maksudnya manual beneran ah au ah gelap susah neranginnya.

udh ya gitu trus kita jalan2 lg keatas. di eskalator areza dikerjain lagi once again, trus kita ke paling atas yaitu XXI sebelomnya ada playground yg ada penguin gede gitu trus dalemnya ada temen2 ravin (anak2 kecil gak berdosa) peace. trus masuk XXI kita main. gua ama dhira main MT-> matun. apa itu? makan tuna GADENG itu kata windi gitu.wkt ultah rangga (flash back bentar) cowo2 pada ngibrit ke timezone ternyata main matun. kata windi matun tuh makan tuna, bego lo win. trus hari ini gua nyobain matun ama dhira, dan itu seru ya sumpah pantes aja cowo2 pada ngibrit kesini. kita main matun brp kali gitu GUA MENANG MELULU LOH hmph mamam tuh dhir. tp seru deh. trus areza main balapbalapan gokil loh dia lawan seorang anak gadikenal tp dia menang melulu.

trus dia capek, ganti ravin. ravin. ya betul sekali dia anak mantan alizhar yang sekarang ada di 12. YAYA gitu ya trus main, tp ternyata ravin gak sejago areza. nah gua dhira bosen ngeliatin mreka main yaudah kita main matun once again. gak ada cape2nya dan endless fun hihihihi. abis itu kita keluar gitu udh males bosen. OIYA zaki kegirangan dibilang "kalo udah gede ganteng" ama mba2 di XXI gitu idih gua mah najis ngeliatnya haha gadeng canda piss zaki. yaudah kita keluar. ravin belom keluar, areza nyusul kita. trus dhira areza zaki ngeliat fian (kyknya). tp gua sendiri gak liat. yaudah fian doang kan, tp katanya fian juga di bandung jadi itu salah liat, HAHA gua jadi inget gaya fian dipraktekan ama areza ANJOS NGAKAK haha liat aja sendiri ya kapan2.

trus ravin akhirnya keluar, dari situ kita turun turun turun. ke a&w, disitu gua ditraktir lagi ama zaki yeay :D thankyou zaki, gua ama dhira ditraktir. gua minta monas ituloh enak juga ternyata. dhira makan es krim apa gitu ENAK POKOKNYA. zaki juga, ada waffel gt dalemnya, waffelnya kyk tahu kremezh HE HE. okeoke trus ya kita makan minum dan segalanya abis itu kita balik ke atas minta dijemput. NAH lama nih nunggunya yaudah we're waiting and waiting keep on waiting tp di saat2 waiting itu seru deh kita ngegila cuy kita ketemu cewe padet cina putih jelek gendut pake baju sok sexy tapi jadinya kyk kupu2 overweight. ew. trus kita ngeliat muka jelek areza. trus kita ngomongin org lagi. trus ngomongin orang ganteng dan cowonya jg join HAHA. ada cowo ganteng gt disitu. lamaaaaaaaa ngobrol seruseruan ampe akhirnya dijemput. tp sebelom dijemput kita ketemu pacar nya ranggaz yaitu nadine hanisya. hai kawan apa kabar? haha dia sih kyknya gakenal ma gua tapi gua tau2 aja hohoy.

trus kita pulang naik taxi. trus nyampe rumah zaki kita main2 lg trus ngobrolin org cantik. trus akhirnya gua ama dhira pulang, gua nebeng dhira. eh ternyata dimobil ada sekeluarga komplit, dibawa ke gourmet garage lagi waduh gaenak banget gua udh nebeng ke situ lg pake ke gourmet garage, maaf aja ya om tante :D trus ampe rumah dhira gua kencing trus pulang. dirumah gua tidur. kyk gua sekarang mau tidur.

BYEEEEEEEE :) sweet dreams